Yael Deckelbaum & The Mothers: This Land


Die israelische Sängerin und Aktivistin Yael Deckelbaum schuf mit „Prayer of the Mothers“ die Hymne des so genannten „Women Wage Peace“ 2016, der sich für Frieden zwischen Juden und Palästinensern und eine wichtigere Rolle der Frauen einsetzte. Hier intonieren die Frauen in wunderschönem Chorgesang ein traditionelles Heimatlied. Englischer Text hier:
It is the words to a poem that every child learns in school called „To My Land“ (1920) by Rachel Bluwstein (1890-1931); I have not sung you, my country, not brought glory to your name with the great deeds of a hero or the spoils of the battle yields. But on the shores of the Jordan my hands have planted a tree, and my feet have made a pathway through your fields. Modest are the gifts I bring you. I know this, mother. Modest, I know, the offerings of your daughter: Only an outburst of song on a day when the light flares up, only a silent tear for your poverty. (translated by Robert Friend)

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